Black Hawk Lodge

The Order of the Arrow is more than just an honor society for Scouting. It is an originization devoted to serving others. One of the purposed of the OA is to "crysitlize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others." Here in Black Hawk Lodge, we take pride in our service to Mississippi Valley Council as well as the two camps, Camp Eastman and Saukenauk Scout Reservation. Here you can do all things service related. Everythings from requesting service work, suggesting a service project, recording service hours, and more!
If you plan to attend one of the service opportunities, please contact the person listed. By us knowing how many we will have, it allows us to let them know how many to be expecting. This is important so that we know if there will be enough help to do what we were requested or volunteered to do.
To recognize those who preform service, Black Hawk Lodge offers a few different goals for the youth to reach with the over all goal to provide service back to the council and the community. See Lodge Service Recognition for more information on the awards and recognitions.
What can be counted for service hours?
The amount of service hours resets every December 1st and the new term starts on January 1st. What can be counted for service work is, not limited to, the following:
Service to the council camps
Direct service to the Lodge
Unit Elections / Camp Promotion Visits
Crossover Ceremonies
Staff for Council or District events
Staff for Community events
Community service projects
The following type of activities is not accepted for service hours:
Projects in which the lodge, chapter or any member receives some type of material or financial compensation (not including meals during the project)
OA ceremonies, unit elections or other official OA functions (including practices and set-up for such ceremonies)
Dance, singing or drum practices
Lodge, chapter, officer and/or adviser training and the preparation for such activities
Staff for lodge or chapter Ordeals
Service projects performed for any for-profit business that will benefit financially from the service (churches, governments, and community centers should be considered non-profit.)
Summer camp staff or any staff members who are financially compensated for their work
Attendance at section, lodge or chapter meetings
Simply attending an OA function where service is not provided (i.e., attending an Ordeal but not working, conclaves, etc.)
There is no minimum amount of Arrowmen present to claim a project for service hours.
There will be no limit to the number of hours that may be recorded per Arrowman per twenty-four hour workday, provided that he/she has done the work for which he/she was logged. These hours should not include time spent for meals, travel, or breaks. Sleep time should not be counted even if the Arrowman is "on call" during the project. The lodge or chapter should provide evidence that verifies each individual Arrowman's service hours. This verification could be in the form of a "sign-in/sign-out sheet."
All service projects should allow for at least eight (8) hours of sleep to comply with Boy Scouts of America policy.